(Chapter I)

Bigger Problems Chapter I is a visual universe while healing from breast implant illness. This condition is not recognized by the medical community and was dismissed by my own close family when I expressed the discomforts. I thus chose to have my implant devices removed as well as the adjoining tissue called “capsules” that naturally form around breast implants for proper recovery.

Using multiple visual languages, this project navigates through a forest of shadows where conscious and unconscious thought manifests itself as healing pulsations, focusing on an uncertain hope. The photograph becomes ritual and the vast visual information symbolises the manifestation of a body overwhelmed in layers of pain, traveling between identity and still life, merging together as self-representation.

Bigger Problems found it’s way into the blockchain as NFT’s. All images have been minted on a manifold ERC721 smart contract stored in Arweave.

Bigger Problems es un proyecto que pretende sensibilizar de una enfermedad causada por los implantes mamarios y que no está validada por la comunidad médica. Esta enfermedad ataca al cuerpo de forma sistémica. En el video se ven imágenes en movimiento realizadas por Grace Hoyle en donde relata tres poemas realizados por ella en el transcurso de su proceso con implantes mamarios (11 años). Los poemas hablan de las heridas sufridas por un sistema herido. La invisibilidad de esta enfermedad no es más que la manifestación de una verdad que no quiere ser vista.

Realizado por Alejandro Pedraza y Grace Hoyle, editado por José Bautista en el año 2021.

In addition to my story I want to make a special request to all of you. I am undertaking a visual research on breast implant illness. I am a fine art photographer and use images as a way to connect with the world. My intention is to produce work that reflects on our culture and the iatrogenic wounds of the medical industry.

I am looking for women who can help me with my visual research. I would like to know if anyone has the disposition to share their story with me as well as any visual documentation of their process with breast implants or breast implant illness. Testimonies and images will remain anonymous, if you need them to be. Healing comes from inside and is a long and dark journey. I want our stories and experiences to be as accurate as science itself.

If so, you can go here: